Shopping Ladies
On the beach in Mozambique you can sit and watch the world go by. Ladies walking home after shopping at the ‘Mercado’, or picking up their share of the communal catch from the fishing nets. You see guys on bikes, crayfish and lula (squid) hanging from the handle bars. Buy it quick, before it gets too hot! It is always interesting and often surprising what you see on the beach. Not just a place for playing, the beach is also the road home, since a lot of the back roads are un-driveable or just plain non-existent.
Hey Tammy, I thought I would write a wee message to say we love this picture which takes pride of place above our fireplace in the room we spend most time. It is much admired by everyone who comes into our house in a wee village in Fife Scotland. The amazing giraffe picture you painted us as a wedding present is at the top of the stares and we all adore it.
Your paintings are incredible, so alive and they all have a story to tell. We have 5 of your pictures in the house. Happy painting. Looking forward to seeing you soon in Zambia or in UK.
Love Morven
Well thank you mrs Mackenzie! I knew that painting was destined to be with you. Of course the meaning behind it is that you need to come and visit us so we can take you to Mozambique! How about it???