Tamryn Pohl Art
Tamryn Pohl is a self-taught artist from Zimbabwe. She grew up on a tobacco farm overlooking the Zambezi Valley. She grew up surrounded by birds and animals, and, with the inspiration of her mum who is also an artist, and the help and support of her family, she started to draw and paint. Tamryn did her A’level art, but did not proceed to art college, opting to become a safari guide instead and work in the tourism industry. Again, surrounded by wildlife the opportunities to continue to paint were everywhere. She had her first solo exhibition in Harare at the age of 24 at Richard Rennie gallery, who supported her by hosting further exhibitions in the following years. Since then she has taken part in numerous group exhibitions, and has had another 8 solos. About 50% of her exhibitions were sold out on the night, and all the paintings sold within the next few months.
In May 2014 and November 2015 Tamryn held two fundraising exhibitions for the Harare based conservation organisation, The Tikki Hywood Trust, in Chelsea, London. The exhibitions were a huge success, selling more than 60% of work on the opening night.
Tamryn has also had a solo exhibition at Ababa House in Lusaka, as well as being nominated runner up for the Art for Wildlife, David Shepherd, Wildlife artist of the year competition in 2010, and first, second and over all winners in the 2013 David Shepherd Art for Wildlife competition.
Although now painting on a mainly commission basis, Tamryn plans on holding her own exhibitions from her farm studio in Zambia.
Tamryn is married to Zambian tobacco farmer, Chesney Middleton, and lives on the farm with her husband, 3 children, parents-in-law, parents, brother and sister-in-laws, dogs, cats, 1000 impala etc etc etc (far too numerous to mention).